This week we are back to fitness to jump start the beautiful month of May. This week is dedicated to the W’s – mainly walking and water.

My sister over at Live to be Inspired is a smarty pants and already googled why water is so important. Here are her findings:

  • We’re made out of water—Between 60 to 70% of your body is made from water. Your blood, muscles, tissues, and other parts are your body are basically water as well. Because so much of our body is made from water, it only makes sense that we need to drink a lot of water to keep our bodies running properly.
  • Other drinks can’t keep you hydrated—Caffeinated drinks—especially sodas—actually make you even thirstier after you drink them. That’s because the caffeine acts as a diuretic, leading to more urination and more dehydration. Simply put, soda and other drinks just can’t hydrate the body like water does. That’s not to say you should stop drinking these beverages altogether, but don’t use them as substitutes for your daily water intake.
  • Lack of water causes fatigue—Dehydration is one of the top causes of severe fatigue. So, if you aren’t drinking enough water, you’re probably tired all day long, and you might not have the energy to exercise, causing you to stay tired and out of shape. Don’t rely on caffeine to give you an energy boost, but instead, start drinking the recommended 8-10 glasses of water every day.
  • Water is necessary for good digestion—Remember earlier when I said your body is made out of water and that it needs water to run properly? Well, this goes for digestive functions as well. If you’re dehydrated, your body won’t be able to break down foods as effectively as it normally does. Poor digestion can cause a wide range of problems, from constipation to severe abdominal pain.
  • Water helps blood circulate properly—Water is a necessary ingredient for proper blood flow in the body. As you drink more water, oxygen levels in your bloodstream will increase, leading to better circulation and improved overall health. Good blood flow can help increase your energy levels and burn more fat.
  • Toxins get flushed out by water—Your kidneys act as a filter. But for them to work as they should, they need to have plenty of water intake. By drinking the recommended 8-10 glasses of water each day, your kidneys will do their job more effectively, and your body will also expel more harmful toxins from the digestive tract.
  • Water helps you burn fat—Drinking water can help you stay skinny in a few different ways. First, a lack of water actually slows protein synthesis—the muscle building function in your body. So, if you want to burn fat and add muscle, your body needs to be fully hydrated. Also, staying hydrated ensures that you don’t confuse thirst for hunger, causing you to overeat and gain more weight.

My two favorite points from her findings: water is necessary for energy and burning fat! Definitely would like to see some improvement in those areas. I’m a decent water drinker already, but I don’t keep track so this week I will keep track and see if I am really getting as much as I should!

On to walking …. awhile back I mentioned that I wanted to do a 5K in June and it seemed so far away. Now it is next month – YIKES! Time to really get moving. The 5K I have chosen to do is the Running With Angels 5K at Thanksgiving Point. I’ll be writing more about why I chose the race itself in a another post … something to look forward to. So it is June 19th – about six weeks away! This week I’ll be posting my jump start training schedule and how I am going to prepare.

But for now I’ll be walking with this little buddy …



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