Lily’s Let’s Place Music teacher taught me a GENIUS parenting technique that worked perfectly for us on our trip to the Church History Museum in January.It’s simple, positive, and perfect 3-5 year olds.

Rather than focusing on what your child is doing wrong, you focus entirely on what they are doing right (except in obviously dangerous/destructive situations, of course!). Each time your child displays a positive behavior – you put a sticker on them.

When our family arrived at the museum, we stopped in the lobby and I showed the children the sticker sheet. I explained the museum rules:

  • Speak quietly
  • Walk nicely
  • Stay by family
  • Have fun

I then told them that every I caught them doing something good that they would get a sticker. I had them repeat the rules back to me and then the fun began! I really poured on the praise at the beginning of the visit. Lots and lots of stickers were handed out as you can see in the picture above. Stickers for asking questions at an exhibit. Stickers for finding a picture they liked. Stickers for walking next to me. Stickers for smiling. You name it! If one of them started to get too far ahead, I would ask them if they would like a sticker for staying close to me. I can’t put a sticker on you if you are too far away, right?

Amazingly, this was one of the first outings we have had where I haven’t been the least bit frazzled and stressed. The children responded incredibly well to the praise and loved the stickers. By the end of the visit, we didn’t even need to continue doing the stickers. They followed the rules on their own.

It was an incredible lesson to me in parenting. Instead of focusing on the little things they were doing wrong, it was much more enjoyable for all of us to focus on the things they were doing right! My daughter and I had some wonderful moments together at one of the Joseph Smith exhibits. She opened up to me and told me how she felt about the prophet and what she knew about him.

Next time you are at the store – pick up some stickers and love on your babies! A little bit of praise goes a long way. I’m thinking we are due for a sticker day at home, too.

Categories: Uncategorized


aprila · February 10, 2013 at 8:09 pm

this is such a great idea. It is important that we notice when they do good things and not just focus on the bad things.

Savannah Miller · February 10, 2013 at 8:26 pm

The power of stickers is amazing 🙂 I used stickers to help potty train my little guy this is a really good idea to use on a trip though! I may have to try this on our next grocery trip 🙂

Sara · February 11, 2013 at 5:32 am

What a great idea. I often under estimate the power of stickers!

Amanda E · February 11, 2013 at 11:21 am

My mom always had a bunch of stickers in her drawer when I was growing up and we loved them. I can’t wait to use them when my son gets older!

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