This week it is all about my husband! Time to focus on him and make sure he knows how much I love him!

Today I am focusing on planning weekly dates for the rest of the month. We have kiddos who will be turning 3 and 1 in the next two months. For some reason I have the hardest time getting babysitters. Is anyone else like this? I always wonder if babysitters really believe me when I tell them that my little girl really will chase a birdy halfway down our street before they can blink.

So this week I am overcoming that fear and getting babysitters. We just got called to teach Course 15 for Sunday School so hopefully I get acquainted with some great teenagers. Or I’ll cross my fingers that some aunts or cousins are available!

Here is the game plan. Four date nights in June. Two will be at home after the kidlets are sleeping and two will be out on the town sans kids. In fact, I am planning this for Father’s Day – a 3 hour ropes course and a hot dog roast up the canyon. Sshhh … don’t tell! The second out on the town date will be to the temple – a goal we’ve been working on this year.

As for the in-home dates – that is where the fun begins! There are some great online resources if you are lacking in the creativity department or just have a mommy brain that is drained like I do sometimes. One indoor date night will be courtesy of the Loving Wives Club. I bought a membership very inexpensively from Utah’s Real Deals. It is an online service that you can access anywhere. Each month they send you ideas of how to romance your husband through admiration, appreciation, and lots of affection. The ideas are based around a theme each month and they are SO MUCH FUN. I will be posting more on what the actual date will be and how it went later on in the week.

I am also having lots of fun going through the oodles and oodles of date night ideas from the Dating Divas. Each week they post a myriad of ideas for date nights ranging from dates revolving around a popular on television show, to exercise nights, to Pac-Man nights, to simple walks around town. These are my kind of gals! Look for another post this later n the week, too!

Well, tomorrow I will be busy as can be with Memorial Day, but I can’t wait to get back on and talk more about how the week is going as I dote on my husband. How do you keep the spark alive in your marriage? What have been your favorite date nights?

Categories: Uncategorized


Jackie · June 2, 2010 at 8:34 pm

I'm having a hard time getting sitters too! I have a 2.5 and 6 months old and we rarely go out!

amy · June 9, 2010 at 2:54 pm

ARGHHH.. I just wrote a huge comment about date nights, and then got an error!! I'll sum it up with.. our favorite date night has been geocaching all by ourselves (without kids that want to hold the GPS all the time!!). I hope you post all your ideas!!

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